sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

Bona diada de Sant Jordi

Ja ha arribat el dia,
entre mites, dracs i princeses avui el carrer s'ompla de roses i llibres un any més.

El Cooper i jo os dessitgem una molt bona diada!


Ya ha llegado el día,
entre mitos, dragones i princesas hoy las calles se llenan de libros y rosas un año más.

Cooper y yo os deseamos un buen día :)


For my international friends:

Today is SANT JORDI a special and traditional day in Catalonia.
A legend between dragons, knight and the princess.

It's our own Sant Valentine's catalan day ;P
A rose for the women and a book for the men.
(The tradition, I prefer the book ;P)

Every streets sell roses and books, beautiful.
Many writters signing books on different places.

It's a special day. Anyway from my tradition I wish you a wonderful day too ^^
Tonight or tomorrow , I show you the pictures on my neightbourhood , I hope you like it.

Sweet kisses to everyone

(Marta Sala)

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